Water Intrusion: A Homeowner’s Guide

What is Water Intrusion

Water intrusion is water movement into an area where it is not wanted. This can happen due to heavy rain, severe flooding, or a faulty plumbing system. Water intrusion can cause extensive damage to a home or building and create health hazards. Home water intrusion is a problem that many homeowners face. Water entering a home can soak into walls, floors, and ceilings, causing mold and mildew to grow. This can lead to respiratory problems for the home’s occupants and damage the home’s structure. Water intrusion can also cause electrical problems, as wet wires can create a fire hazard. As a result, it is essential to address water intrusion quickly to avoid further damage.

Common Causes of Water Intrusion in the Home

Many homeowners are unaware of preventing water intrusion into their homes. Water intrusion can cause severe structural damage and create an ideal environment for mold growth. The most common causes of water intrusion are damaged pipes, clogged drains, sump pump problems, and structural damage. Windows are another common source of leaks, as the caulk or other sealant around the window can deteriorate over time. Water can also enter your home from behind the siding, underneath significant plumbing, and behind and under appliances. By being aware of the potential sources of water intrusion, you can take steps to prevent it from happening in your home.

How to Identify Water Intrusion in the Home

There are a few tell-tale signs that you may have water intrusion in your home. If you notice any of the following, it’s time to call a professional for an inspection:

  • Water spots on ceilings or walls – These may be small at first, but they will gradually grow more significant as more water leaks in.


  •  Musty odors – This can be a sign of mold or mildew growth.  Moisture is needed for these organic matters to proliferate.  


  •  Peeling paint or wallpaper – This can be caused by moisture seeping into the walls and causing the paint or wallpaper to blister and peel away. 


  •  Condensation on windows – This is another sign of excess moisture, and it can lead to window damage over time if left unchecked.


  • Mold growth is perhaps the most obvious sign of water intrusion, as mold will only grow in damp, humid environments.


  •  Rotting wood – This is a severe issue, as it can weaken the structural integrity of your home.


  • Insect infestations – Termites and insects attract damp wood so an infestation can signify water damage.


  •  Health problems – If you or your family members start to experience respiratory problems, it could be due to mold or mildew due to water intrusion.


  •  Higher than regular water bills – If you notice a sudden spike in your water usage, it could be due to a leak.


  •  Sump pump problems – If your sump pump is constantly running or isn’t working, it could be due to water intrusion.


  •  Foundation problems – If you notice cracks in your foundation or water seeping into your basement, it could be due to water intrusion.


  •  Flooring problems – If your floors are warped or buckled, this could signify water damage.  


If you notice these signs, don’t delay calling a professional for an inspection. Water intrusion can cause significant damage to your home if it’s not addressed quickly and correctly

Prevent Water Intrusion

You come home from a long work day, open the door, and are immediately greeted by a puddle of water. Water intrusion can be a nightmare for any homeowner, causing extensive damage and costing thousands of dollars to repair. But there are some simple steps you can take to help prevent water intrusion from happening in the first place.

  • Make sure your gutters are clean and free of debris. Clogged gutters can cause water to back up and seep into your home.


  • Inspect your roof regularly and repair any damage as soon as possible. A leaking roof is one of the most common causes of water intrusion.


  • Keep an eye on the grading around your foundation and ensure that water is directed away from your home.


  • Seal off any openings where pests and animals could enter the home, and install a water alarm to notify you of any leaks in the home.


  • Check your water heater and pipes for corrosion or leaks regularly.


  • Keep appliances and utilities off the ground. If possible, raise them on blocks or install them on shelves to prevent them from being inundated by floodwaters.


  •  Reduce impervious surfaces in your landscape. Paved areas can run off quickly, increasing the risk of flooding. Try to incorporate more vegetation into your landscaping. 

These simple precautions can help keep your home dry and avoid the costly repairs that water intrusion can cause.

What Should You Do if You Have A Water Event?

Home water intrusions can be a nightmare for any homeowner. Water damage can quickly lead to extensive repairs, whether a burst pipe, a heavy rainstorm, or flooding from a nearby river. In the aftermath of a water intrusion event, it’s essential to take quick action to minimize the damage. First, turn off the main water supply to your home. Then, remove any standing water using a wet/dry vacuum or mop and bucket. Next, assess the extent of the damage and begin drying out the affected areas by opening windows and using fans. Finally, call a professional restoration company to begin repairs. These steps can help prevent further damage and get your home back to normal as quickly as possible.

Water intrusion can be a severe problem for any home. If not dealt with quickly and correctly, it can lead to mold growth and structural damage. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to dry your home after a water intrusion. First, try accelerating drying by opening windows and doors and using fans to move air around the damp walls. Additionally, dehumidifiers can help remove moisture from the air, indirectly removing it from the walls. Finally, to speed up evaporation, you may need to remove molding and baseboards to prevent moisture from entering behind them.

 Water intrusion can cause significant damage to your home if it’s not addressed quickly and correctly. By taking a few simple steps, you can help prevent water intrusion from happening in the first place. If water intrusion does occur, take quick action to minimize the damage and dry out your home as quickly as possible.



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